Mirconised Linseed is nutritionally unique and offers health benefits that can just about help every horse in one way or another.
Protein 23% Oil 35% Fibre 7% Ash 5.15%
Bulk item delivery charge of €5 per bag to North or South Ireland.
Please be aware that you will be contacted prior to dispatch for payment for orders exceeding 1 bag.
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The Benefits: Micronised Linseed:
Why should I feed Micronised Linseed?
Micronised full fat linseed can also be used at increased levels to add protein and useful calories to horses diets, particularly those in hard work or needing for weight gain or to maintain body weight.
Linseed, in its raw state, contains the enzyme Linase, which, in moist conditions, can trigger the release of hydrogen cyanide. This micronised product however not only enhances feed value and palatability, but also destroys Linase, so that the resulting product can be fed directly and safely to horses.
Micronised Linseed only require a small amount of feeding, It can be fed directly from the bag. Feeding rate: On average 150gm - 200gm per day depending on the size of the horse. ie. 150gm for a small pony and 200gm for a large thoroughbred.