We supply an ever changing range of new and pre-loved saddles. If you have a specific request or need some practical information please email us at info@essentiallyequestrian.com
18" Stubben Siegfried
This Stubben Siegfrid is an older type saddle but very clean. Stirrup leathers in good order. Round Cantle, Deep seat. High knee Rolls. Medium to wide tree
16.5" English Leather Saddle
This saddle is in super condition. Girth straps are all in good order. It comes with a wide tree so ideal for the broader Connemara or Cob type. It is supplied with matching stirrup leathers and irons. It has a cut back pommel, deep seat, high knee rolls and thigh blocks to hold you leg in place.
18" Wintec (adjustable gullet) Dark Brown
This wintec saddle comes with an interchangeable gullet. Gullet system is available at an extra cost. It has had very little use. Dark brown colour. The saddle is fitted with the Cair system, which evenly distributes pressure along the horses back
17" St Kenelms Collection English Saddle
This traditional general purpose English saddle comes with a medium/ wide tree. It is black with cut back pommell and deet seat. Knee block and thigh roll to keep leg in place. Suitable for all disciplines of riding
17.5" Thorowgood Griffin Saddle
This comfortable saddle has a deap seat with removable knee blocks. Medium/ Wide Fit. Trial Available
18" Stubben Siegfried ||
This Stubben comes in very good condition. It is a close contact jumping saddle with the traiditional Tri Colour Stubben Colouring. Medium Tree. 1/2 Deep seat with square cantel. Very tall knee and thigh blocks to keep your leg in position.
17.5" Maxum
17.5" Maxum sythetic saddle. Good condition. It has big knee blocks. Wide fit with adjustable tree.
Hippotonic Tripod Display/Collapsible Saddle Stand- 76cm
Tubular plastic coated steel tripod display. Legs are removable with press button. 76cm tall
Star Leather Crupper- Black- Shetland Size
Shetland: 50-58cm
Pony: 54-61cm
WB: 66-74cm
Ollard & Westcombe General Purpose Saddle with adjustable gullet
A GP saddle perfect for riders across all disciplines with movement for jumping
Soft comfortable seat designed with both the horse and the rider in mind
Great quality for the price!
Superb wool flocked leather saddle with 6 easy self-change adjustable gullets and moveable knee blocks.
17" English Leather (Walsall)
17.5" English Leather saddle. Cut back pommel, deep seat, round cantle. Small knee blocks
-> Medium/ Wide Fit with spring tree
-> Girth Straps like new